After a careful evaluation from the Jury, the four Parallel traces winners have been selected!
64 submissions were considered eligible and were evaluated by a Jury formed by 12 members, who represented experts in photography and audiovisual, and/or in cultural and jewish heritage. The evaluation, in keeping with the contest guidelines, involved submissions in two categories. The winners in each category are:
From Now: Presence at Present
1st place: Josep Maria Oliveras (applying for Girona)
2nd place: Ewa Rossano (applying for Wroclaw)
From the Past: Pictures with History
1st place: Witja Frank (applying for Wroclaw)
2nd place: Tsotne Tsereteli (applying for Tbilisi)
The winners will receive case prizes amounting to a total of 5000€, with first place in each category receiving 1500€ and second place 1000€. The winning artworks will be exhibited during the Parallel Traces exhibitions around Europe promoting the transnational circulation of Art, and the Artists will have the possibility to travel to one of the partner cities to participate in the exhibition opening to present their work.